Beautiful skirt by Tasha Podakova

Today I would like to share a wonderful finding that I had the other day. Here is a pattern to a beautiful ruffled skirt made by Tasha Padakova.

Since the description is written in Russian I take responsibility to translate it.


1. Start with a belt. Chain 18 and crochet 80 rows with double crochets.

2. Join the sides and crochet 5 rows using pattern 2.

3. Use pattern 3 to eaqualy add 10 Dc in the next row. Make increments in every 8th Dc. Crochet 4 more rows using pattern 2.


4. Use pattern 3 to eaqualy add 10 Dc in the next row. Make increments in every 9th Dc. Crochet 4 more rows using pattern 2.

5. Use pattern 3 to eaqualy add 10 Dc in the next row. Make increments in every 10th Dc. Crochet 4 more rows using pattern 2.

6. Crochet ruffle using pattern 4. Cut the yarn.

7. Connect yarn to the first row of net. Crochet ruffle using pattern 4. Cut the yarn.

8. Connect yarn to the fifth row of net. Crochet ruffle using pattern 4. Cut the yarn.

9. Connect yarn to the tenth row of net. Crochet ruffle using pattern 5. Cut the yarn.

10. Connect yarn to the 18th row of net. Crochet ruffle using pattern 6. Cut the yarn.



11. Sew the belt and crochet or sew in 3 rows of elastic thread.

12. Steam the skirt and decorate with flowers. Flower description: Chain 5 and join into circle.

1) Crochet 10Sc into the circle.

2) Ch1, (Ch3+1Sc)*5 times.

3) Into each ark crochet (2Dc+Trc+2Dc+Hdc)*5.

Sew a bead to the center of the flower.

13. Sew an underlining.

14. The skirt is done

PS to the author: Tasha if you have a blog or a website I would gladly post a link to them but unfortunately I could not find anything :( (Таша, если у вас есть блог или сайт, то я с удовольствием добавлю ссылку на них. К сажалению сама найти не смогла :()

Side notes from myself:

I crocheted this skirt using Italian mercerized cotton size 5 and 1.5mm hook. The skirt was made for my 2-year old daughter. To make the skirt fit I had to increase the belt size by adding 10 more rows (90 rows instead of 80). The trick with this skirt is to increase (or decrease) the belt in increments of 10. That way all the ruffles will lay out correctly. Just make sure when you are doing increments in p. 3, 4 and 5 you make exactly 10 increments per row.

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